Charton & Bang produce high quality compost at Murrami in the Riverina, NSW on a farm that has been in the family for 100 years in 2021. Their focus is on using agricultural wastes to make products that help create farming systems that are more resilient, more profitable and easier to manage.
Charton & Bang were founded by three people: John Barton, Virginia Barton and Matt Chang.

John Barton is from the 4th generation of a farming family based immediately across the road from this facility. He has worked on a wide range of farm types in labouring, managerial and research roles. After retraining in science as an adult, John has spent the last 13 years working on the meeting point between science and the hard practicalities of large-scale commercial compost operations. John has had a hand in the production of 1 million cubic metres of compost in this time (around 1 million ute loads), and has helped design, commission and support 7 new commercial scale compost facilities around Australia.

Virginia Barton is from the 3rd generation of the same farming family as John. She was born and raised on the property across the road. Virginia handles client liaison and project management for Charton & Bang. After studying at the University of New England she has spent the last 20 years in Legal Publishing in various editorial and management roles for Thomson Reuters, rising to Head of Analytical Law for Asia Pacific.

Matt Chang is of Malaysian origin, where he was instrumental in growing the operations of the family swiftlet farming operation, producing nests for bird’s nest soup. Matt is now based in Australia and handles accounting and logistics for Charton & Bang.